Re: Gtk::Entry justification

Ok, thanks. That sounds good and I don't even need the Gtk::EventBox
because it's just the display for a calculator - you can't edit the display
directly. The reason I was using the Gtk::Entry was so that the background
would be a different colour and the display would be easy to read. Is there
any way to set the background and foreground colour in a Gtk::Label? What
about perhaps setting the text in there to be bold or some other font? What
widget can I use to get all or some of these features? Thanks. -Jeff

On 2001.07.30 00:41 Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:
Jeff Hornsberger wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to build a small calculator as a way of learning Gtk--
I'm wondering how I can set the text of a Gtk::Entry widget to be right
justified as it should be on a calculator. If this isn't possible with
Gtk::Entry, then what widget should I be using? Thanks. -Jeff

gtk_entry can't be right justivied, as you guess. :-) you can build your
own by packing a gtk_label into an eventbox.

best regards ...

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