Re: onmouseover

on 6/16/01 5:41 AM, PCc0d3r at pcc0d3r yahoo com wrote:

i have a button and i want to give it a onmouseover function.

gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "focus", GTK_SiGNAL_FUNC(close), NULL);

like in the example above i used focus button but it didn't work.
i want it to go to close function when i came over button with mouse

how can i do that?

I think that the "focus" event is only given to a widget that can have
keyboard focus -- a button, by default, probably can't get it.  And even if
it could get the focus, I don't know if moving a mouse over a widget gives
it the focus.   

Try these events: "leave_notify_event" and "enter_notify_event".   The event
generated in both cases is a GdkEventCrossing.  They are delivered to a
widget whenever the mouse pointer moves into or out of that widget's area.

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