Re: GTK+ app using the GNOME help browser?

IMHO Havoc does that. A good application developer is lazy and avoids
coding new stuff. He just searches for some code that does what he
wants and includes that into his program. Havoc only showed which code
to include.
I would beg to differ, a good developer uses a combination of initiative
and good judgement.  I myself have written several apps in situations
where there were no existing support or that support was insufficient.

In otherwords I *do* reinvent the wheel sometimes but having done it about
ten times in the past five years, I can tell you from experiance that if
you redesign it for all the right reasons and yer educated on what you are
doing then it can turn out better than the original.

o/~ So o/~ how's that help library calling idea sound? *G*

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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