Re: gtk_signal_connect() and passing parameters

There are two problems with the code you posted

      1) The button_press_event signal has an additional
parameter that you 
are not including in the declaration of your
callback function.
      2) It looks like you are passing in the pointer to
a local variable 

I think that problem #1 is what's tripping you up.
Change your callback to:

      void button1_callback(GtkWidget *widget,
              GdkEventButton *button,
              gpointer data)
              g_print("i: %d\n", *((int *)data));

If i is a local variable, you have a separate

     -- Darin

It was problem #1 as you expected (i was not local, so
problem #2 was not the cause).  Thank You so much.  My
code now works as expected.   I'm sure glad I joined
this mail list. :-)

shem_mazur yahoo com au

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