Re: Can shared memory data be used as a signal like gtk-input-add does with a pipe?

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Marco Quezada wrote:

I'm not sure if this is the best and or only way to do it but I just have a
timeout that runs at a certain rate (10 Hz in my case) and looks at the value
of the variable in memory, if the value changes then it goes in and does
whatever processing it needs to do.

This is not the way to do it. The best way is in fact to use a
select or poll on a file-descriptor - but you could also use a semaphore
like this.


Simple example


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>

void main( int argc , char *argv[] )

int shmid, semid, i , j, size=256;
char *buf;

pid_t pid;
key_t key;

static struct sembuf raise[] = {

static struct sembuf isdown[] = {

static struct sembuf isup[] = {

static struct sembuf lower[] = {

if( pid = fork() ) {  /* Parent */

   printf("Parent: pid=%d\n", getpid() );

   key = ftok( argv[0], 0 );
   shmid = shmget( key, size, IPC_CREAT | SHM_R | SHM_W );
   buf = shmat( shmid, 0 , 0);

   semid = semget( key , 1, IPC_CREAT | SEM_R | SEM_A );
   printf("Parent semid=%d\n", semid);

   semop( semid, isdown, 1);
   sprintf(buf, "%8.8d_", getpid() );
   printf("parent: msg=%s\n", buf);
   semop(semid, raise, 1);

   for ( i=0; i<8 ; i++) {

     semop(semid, isdown, 1);
     strcat(buf, "*");
     semop(semid, raise, 1);



} else { /* Child */


   printf("Child: pid=%d\n", getpid() );

   key = ftok( argv[0], 0 );

   shmid = shmget( key, size,  SHM_R | SHM_W );
   buf = shmat( shmid, 0 , 0);

   semid = semget( key , 1, SEM_R | SEM_A );
   printf("Child semid=%d\n", semid);

   semop(semid, isup, 2);
   printf("child: msg=%s\n", buf);

   semop(semid, lower, 1);
   for( i = 0 ; i < 4; i++ ) {
     semop(semid, isup, 2);
     printf("child: msg=%s\n", buf );
     semop(semid, lower, 1);

   semop(semid, isup, 2);
   sprintf(buf, "%8.8d_", getpid());
   semop(semid, lower, 1);
   for( i = 0 ; i < 4; i++ ) {
     semop(semid, isup, 2);
     printf("child: msg=%s\n", buf );
     semop(semid, lower, 1);

   semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID, NULL); /* Remove semaphore */
   shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL); /* Remove memory */



Göran Hasse            email: gh raditex se     Tel: +46 8 694 92 70
Raditex AB       Fax: +46 8 442 05 91
Sickla Alle 7, 1tr                              Mob: 070-5530148

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