GTK Win32 porting error


   First, I'd like to thank everyone from last week who helped
me with getting set up for porting GTK apps to Windows.

I was able to compile and link my app (in this case jscalibrator)
to Windows without any serious problems.  After installing the
.dll's that were requested to c:\windows\system and running my
app for the first time, I got the error:

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: jscalibrator.exe
File: dbgheap.c
Line: 1017

Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)

Although I have debugged in VC++'s IDE before, this time
all I received was a dialog stating the above.

I made certain that the app did not have any problems
on UNIX/X before porting.  But at this point I'm stuck
and I'm not sure what I should do afterwards.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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