Re: Getting started...

On Thu, 08 Aug 2002 23:06:10 -0400 "Thomas Cameron" <tom ceisystems com>

    I am building an interface for an application. This interface will
have 3 sections on the main window.  The "Main Display", which will be a
large portion of the screen, a "Navigation Button", which should be
25hx50w, and a "Status Area".  The status area will NOT be a status bar.
Anyway, I want to know what the best mothod of layout would be.  The
Navigation button, and status area will both be the same hight.  The
button will be to the left of the status area.  I suppose my question
would be which container to use?  What kind of frame, box, etc. can I
use, and tell it to only be so tall?
a hbox inside a vbox?

b.t.w. having your Navigation Button exactly 25hx50w is dangerous: if you
switch to 100dpi fonts, or use another GTK theme the text might be larger
then your button, so it is preferred to have gtk scale the widget
automatically (perhaps set the minimum size).


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