Some questions about GTK2 and glib2

I have an application that uses GObject in its underlying support
libraries. I had for a while been using a gobject2gtk support layer that
I got from the GStreamer project (for use with GTK1.2). I recently
decided to ditch the compatibility layer and require GObject, since I
found it too restrictive. I also ported the GUI to GTK2.

The problem is that I still want to have some sort of support for GTK1.2
users. I've decided to make the new GTK2 port a separate code branch
from the GTK1.2 code. I still want to use GObject with the GTK1.2 branch
though. So the question is:

Can my underlying shared libraries use GObject/glib2 and link with the
main GUI program that uses GTK1.2/glib1.2?

The other problem I am having is with loading plugins with GModule and
the new glib2. I posted this question on "gtk-list" and realized that it
probably wasn't the correct list for posting the problem to (apologies
to those who are seeing this again).


I'm having problems with glib 2.0.4 and GModule. Things worked fine with
gtk 1.2.10/glib 1.2.10. It seems program (main) variables looked up from
within the plugin aren't being resolved correctly. Here is some printf
output from within the plugin and from the GUI:

flac_encode_sfont(in GUI)=&0x80cb56c
flac_encode_sfont(in plugin_flac)=&0x4070f8f4

The address 0x4070f8f4 is in the plugin (checked /proc/[pid]/maps).
flac_encode_sfont is defined as such in the GUI program:

int (*flac_encode_sfont)(IPSFont *sf, char *flac_fname);

Any ideas what could be causing this or where to start to try and
diagnose the problem (I assume its something with libdl and glib2).

        Josh Green

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