Re: "Why would an always displayed list be better than a popuplist?"

Calum Benson <calum benson sun com> writes: 
Having said that, think of the now-standard "Choose your country"
control that you find on many websites these days, which most Mac and
Solaris web browsers render as a massive popup menu. Speaking as someone
who regularly has to fight down to the third or fourth level of cascade
(on Solaris) or scroll reeaallly slowly (on Mac) to get down to
"Ireland", navigating around a popup menu with many more menu items than
will fit on the screen is still more of a navigation nightmare than the
equivalent list-with-scrollbars would be.
Oh boy - you just gave me Netscape 4 Motif-option-menu flashbacks ;-) 

The cascading menu hack was such an incredibly bad idea... ;-)


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