Re: Image library


Maybe ImageMagick?

It seems fairly complete, but I never used it myself.  For managing 16
bits channels (what I wanted), the library distributed with current
distros like Mandrake needs to be recompiled.

Note that it's free, but not under the GPL.


Patrice St-Gelais

WDraxinger darkstargames de a écrit :

Hi there,
does anyone know a flexible Image file library,
that supports the major image file formats, but
at least BMP, TGA, TIFF(not LZWed), PNG?
I know all these formats, but I'm too lazy to
implement a library that offers universal access.

Wolfgang Draxinger
| +----------------+ WOLFGANG DRAXINGER          |
| | ,-.   DARKSTAR | lead programmer             |
| |(   ) +---------+ wdraxinger darkstargames de |
| | `-' / GAMES /                                |
| +----+'''''''' |

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