Re: More info on GDK/GTK with fork() and exec()

On 02/19/02 Taura Milana wrote:
The xscreensaver-demo apparently calls:


In that order, to execute a demo. This (on my side) causes GDK to
crash and loose connection to the X server and also crash the parent

My suggestion and my own practice is to test if the object
existed before attempting to execute it, as follows:


However Jamie stated that this was pointless, and that it was
okay to use fork() and exec() in GDK without testing the
validility of the object.
The stat is pointless as Jamie said already. However, there should
probably be a _exit(1) call after the exec, in case exec fails for 
whatever reason (and note the underscore in _exit()). So the code should
look something like:

if (!fork()) {
        exec (...);
        /* maybe report error here to stderr */
        _exit (1);


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