Re: g_free() vs gtk_widget_destroy()

On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 11:39, Fabio Zanetta wrote:

I cannot understand the difference between  g_free() and
g_free() frees memory e.g something created with g_malloc() or with one
of the string functions such a g_strdup().

gtk_widget_destroy() forces a widget to be destroyed this means it will
clean up any resources it is using in a nice way, notify any thing thats
interested that it is being desroyed etc. then call free on its self to
free the memory that it's using. Never use g_free() on a widget.

Someone can tell me this?
(btw: I have always to call gtk_widget_destroy()? I see for example
that in
the Hello World in the GTK tutorial it is not used.)
You should never really have to use gtk_widget_destroy().
You should use gtk_widget_unref() (or g_object_unref in gtk2). 
With gtk_widget_destroy() the widget is destroyed imedatly.
With gtk_widget_unref() the widget is destroyed only if nothing else
needs it.
You should hardly ever have to worry about this as when you remove a
widget from a container it gets unrefd for you and if a container is
destroyed it first unrefs all it's child widgets.

hope this helps.


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