Re: GtkTreeIter validity.

 For those who care, I found a solution ( might be dirty, but easy. :)

     gboolean valid;
     valid = gtk_tree_store_get_iter_first(iter);
         if(some_crtieria == TRUE)
             gtk_list_store_remove(model, iter); 
               valid = ( iter.stamp != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);  <====== this did it.
         valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(..., iter);

--- Harring Figueiredo <harringf yahoo com> wrote:
 Is there a way to check for an gtkTreeIter validity ?

  Here is what I am trying to do:

I would like to remove some rows from my GtkTreeStore.

  Using this code causes some rows to still stay on the GtkTreeView.
     gtk_tree_store_for_each(model, foreach_callback, NULL);

 gboolean  foreach_callback( *model, *iter, *path, gpoiter)
    if(some criteria on the row == TRUE)
       gtk_list_store_remove(model, iter); 
     return FALSE; /* keep going */
 The reason for this is that the gtk_list_store_remove causes the iter to
change, thus causing the gtk_tree_store_for_each to advance some rows without
being processed.

 I modified the code to do my own walking of the ListStore as follows:

    gboolean valid;

    valid = gtk_tree_store_get_iter_first(iter);
        if(some_crtieria == TRUE)
            gtk_list_store_remove(model, iter); 
        valid = valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(..., iter);

 The problem still continues to exist since store_remove changes the iter for
the store.

 I noticed that in the new docs (2.1), gtk_list_store_remove(model, iter)
returns gboolean indicating if the iter is valid or not, but in 2.0.6, it
returns void.

  Any help on this dilema is appreciated.



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