Re: Interpolation In Gnome Canvas

Any reason to use the gnome canvas instead of just displaying the
GdkPixbuf directly?


On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 12:25, Rahul Torvi wrote:

   I am deveoping an image viewer application using gtk and gnome.
   I am developing it on Redhat 7.3 and am using KDE 2.1.

   I am using Gnome Canvas in anti-aliased mode. I have used libtiff
funtions to load the tiff images and then create
   GdkPixBuf objects from the raw data. I insert the pixbuf into the Canvas
as a GnomeCanvasPixbuf item.
   The images are being displayed but are not very clear.

   After  analysing the Eye Of Gnome application i have come to the
conclusion that the problem
   is interpolation. My reading tells me that the gnome canvas by default
   interpolation type while rendering an image.
   If i am correct
      Is there some method by which I can provide atleast BILINEAR interpolation
         to my canvas ?
         Else is there any alternative to get clarity in the images that are
being loaded?
   If I am wrong
         Please tell me what I have to do to include BILINEAR support in the
canvas ?

 I have even posted this query in the gtk-app devlopers list, but have
recieved no response!!
 This is a request to all gtk/gnome gurus to help me out.

Hoping for a positive response.

thanks and regards,

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Joaquín Cuenca Abela
cuenca pacaterie u-psud fr

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