Re: Cast from gchar* to int?

On 24 Sep 2002 11:34:18 -0700
"William L. Thomson Jr." <support obsidian-studios com> wrote:

This is a time when me being a newbie to C/C++ really shines.

I need to convert the string that is returned from 


into an int. 

For the life of me I can't seem to do this, and the standard C functions
do not seem to want to work either

If num_entry is an entry, you maybe better off using
  an_int = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(num_entry));

Else you'll have to g_free() the pointer returned by gtk_editable_get_chars.
other than that, what is the problem? What's going wrong?

Mind and important item: You're _not_ casting a char* to an int here. You
are converting a character string into an integer, which means it'll always
fail if there's any illegal character is in it.


I know this is a simple problem, but one I can't seem to figure out.
It's more of a language thing than GTK, but since I am doing this in my
gtk app I thought I would start by asking here. If I asked in a language
specific group, someone would comment to me being off topic.

Thanks in advance.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Support Group
Obsidian-Studios Inc.
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Petaluma, Ca. 94952
Phone  707.766.9509
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