Re: who is familiar with 'GtkTransparency' provided by Paul Davis

        I'm guessing that this is a new addition
to gtk or a piece of code floating on your desktop.

you can refer to the structure definition in the
header file to see what type of object it derives from.


struct _GtkMisc
  GtkWidget widget;
  gfloat xalign;
  gfloat yalign;
  guint16 xpad;
  guint16 ypad;

struct _GtkMiscClass
  GtkWidgetClass parent_class;

means that the GtkMisk derives from GtkWidget.

then you can refer to the docs to see what the
"parent" is capable of. (ofcourse you can refer
to the header file for the api).

Hope this helps,

Jun Ma wrote:
I checked the mail list and found Paul Davis once
source code to make transparent widgets. It is named
as 'GtkTransparency'. But, I don't know how to use it.

Is 'GtkTransparency' a window, a container, or
something else? How to show it?

Which widget can contain it?

Can it be used as a window or container?

How to process signals on it?

If you have example code, can you send me a copy?

Thanks a lot!

Ma Jun

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