Re: Questions on keyboard event

What if I use gtk-1.2? Thanks.
 I've created some buttons and buttons' callbacks. However, I would like
to bind some shortcut keys to the buttons. For example, "Ctrl-A" to
button1. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
This example is taken from my own (Gtk1.2) code,

accel_group = gtk_accel_group_new ();
gtk_accel_group_attach (accel_group, GTK_OBJECT (window));
gtk_widget_add_accelerator (menu_item, "activate",

First I create a menu_item and connect it to 
some callback function, then I add a accelerator 
group so pressing Ctr-C acts exactly as if the user
had activated the menu_item, so the callback is

you might have to do some changes
when replacing the menu_item by a button,
(i.e. just replacing menu_item by button
and "activate" by "clicked" might not work,
you might have to use button_press_event 
and button callbacks with three arguments)


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