Re: Multiple documents

Michael L Torrie wrote:

Is there a standard / recommended way to write an application that can
open more than one document at a time, and that allows more than one
view of each document (ala GIMP)?
Sure.  There are 2 methods.  You can create a new toplevel window for
each document (and maybe a main window with toolbars and stuff).  This
is how the gimp does it.  The other mdi method is to use a tabbed-view
What you (Chris) may miss, however, are WiW (Windows in windows) as in the
MDI implementations of MS-Windows and QT (KDE). Unfortunately there's no
support for them in GTK+, mostly for ideological reasons AFAIK.

<PLEA> Despite a number of Gnome developers apparently condemning it, I
miss them as well and would appreciate it very much if the GTK developers
would get over themselves and seriously consider a WiW-implementation for
one of the next versions of GTK+.</PLEA>

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