Re: Pango device units

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 19:22, Pawel S. Veselov wrote:

a quick one.

What's the ratio between pango device units (points)
and the actual number of pixels, and how to figure it out
programatically ?
Pango units are basically a fixed point number - the
scale is given by PANGO_SCALE (1024 as it happens).

What a value of 1.0 * PANGO_SCALE means is up to the
backend - the current backends all treat it as one pixel,
but a Postscript background would probably use 1 point

There is a PANGO_PIXELS() macro round that more or less

 nearest_integer (val / PANGO_SCALE)

To convert from a integer number of pixels to a pango,
just multiple by PANGO_SCALE.


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