Re: gdtk_draw_text deprecated , what use instead of it ?

Paul Pogonyshev wrote:

iain wrote:
On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 23:31 +0000, Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
gives absolutely no advantages over gdk_draw_text() (because labels are
guaranteed to be in ascii and short).
Apart from being antialiased and use decent fonts you mean.

Not speaking as a GTK developer I don't think the gdk_draw_text stuff is
coming back.
gdk_draw_text() is not antialiased?  I'm taking my comment back.

But seriously, don't you think layouts are too complicated and overkill
for some problems to make them mandatory?  Maybe there should be a
light-weight gdk_draw_<something-else>() which would be antialiased
and use Pango fonts, but more like gdk_draw_text() in respect of
position parameters?
Looks like you dont know about gdk_draw_layout() function:

Layouts usage in G?K (in the way of just displaying some text with selected font) is as easy as old scheme. If you dont need extra functionality that layouts give - dont use it, if you want use it but dont want to learn some docs and code - use Pango Markup:

When performance issues becomes a problem for the specific application you should consider to use platform-depended low-level text drawing functions because they're fastest and you have a full control on what is going on. If you want to have portable and fine-looking application - you forced to use pango stuff. How, for example, you'll explain the windows-user what XLFD is (you have to use XLFD for font-handling for gdk_draw_text) ?

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