Re: (Newbie!! Help!!!!)How to integrate user functions in gtk

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 07:52:30PM -0200, Andreas Volz wrote:

I've two question for libglade. In the past I build all apps from
scratch or used glades ability to create C-Code.

- Is libglade slower then a gtk-app without libglade?
I haven't noticed any speed problems when loading the application.
However development is faster and more hassle free.

- Am I able to use this gtk-apps in Windows without problems?
I have a pygtk/libglade application that runs under windows.  (There seem to
be some bugs with some things under windows, tho, e.g. you can't click on a
button in a notebook tab in my app, but I'm pretty sure this is a gtk issue,
not a libglade issue).  

You can get a gtk runtime here:

And libglade here:

Dave Cook

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