Re: gtk-app-devel-list digest, Vol 1 #1567 - 14 msgs


I agree, the GTKTreeView is insanely complex.  I can't understand why 
there are multiple different ways of representing a row, and each one only 
supports some functionality.  You end up writing the bulk of your code 
just manipulating row selections, going through several conversions to get 
one row representation to translate to another one, with no direct 
conversion available.  And what the heck is "iter" supposed to mean 
anyway?  I have seen at least this many:

path string
row reference

Are there a few more I've missed?  This really needs to be chopped down to 

The docs certainly don't help much.  The layers and layers of abstraction 
for even the most basic of data types (e.g. int) are mind boggling, and 
the docs on say, g_objects and g_values are mostly blank.  I hope this 
isn't a permanent condition.  I've looked at the Window$ API, and it 
shocked me compared to say, Posix or TCL/TK.  GTK looks about as complex, 
due to the innumerable layers of abstraction.

Joe Orgren
Senior Engineer
Organizational Strategies Inc.
Supporting the Applied Technology Division/OIT
Bureau of Customs & Border Protection
United States Department of Homeland Security

Subject: Removing/Reordering Multiple Selections in GtkTreeModel
From: Jared Krinke <furiousj u washington edu>
To: GtkAppDevelList <gtk-app-devel-list gnome org>
Date: 30 Jul 2003 00:51:29 -0700

Hi list,

I just recently had quite a bit of trouble figuring out how to remove
all of the selected rows from a gtk_list_store. As near as I can tell,
there is no simple way to do this and using
gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows() is necessary.

I think this is a pretty messy API for when working with GtkListStores.

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