Re: GtkBox packing

Am 2003.06.05 04:06 schrieb(en) Owen Taylor:
On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 16:49, Martin Klaffenboeck wrote:
> Hello,
> When I have a vbox, is it possible to pack some widgets more right
> others?
> means:
> -------------
>   Headerlabel
> -------------
>       item1
> -------------
>       item2
> -------------
> So that we can see a hierarchy?

Use a hbox and pack a dummy empty widget into the first location (say
another hbox) and set it's width with gtk_widget_set_size_request()
Hm. Looks more like a workarround than a solution.

In GTK+-2.4, GtkAlignment will have the ability to set padding
independently on all 4 sides, which make such arrangements easier
to accomplish.
My app will need some work, the first beta releases will come out in 
about 2 Months, the finish release in about a year or something.
When will gtk-2.4 come out?  Maybe I just set a comment there for now.  
(I'm working with 2.3 developer release.)

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