Re: Can't select text after popup menu

On Tuesday 17 Jun 2003 9:50 am, Rob Clack wrote:
Replied directly to Ian, not to the whole list.  Sigh.

I have gtk_widget_set_events(window,GDK_ALL_EVENTS_MASK) and have also
far I only get the behaviour described below.

I note, btw, that printing out the gint returned by
gtk_widget_get_events always results in  134515340, whatever flags I've
set, which strikes me as curious.  I don't expect to be able to work out
what's actually set by looking at the gint, but would expect its value
to change as I set and unset things.


-------- Original Message --------

I realise how inadequate my initial description was!

I'm running gtk 1.2 under Red Hat Linux 2.4.18-27.7, all under an
X-windows manager called, I think, GDM.  I know that under Windows,
frinstance, you actually have to copy the text to the clipboard, but
under GDM just selecting it is enough.  Then the middle mouse button
will paste it wherever you want.  I think this is an X feature rather
than specifically GDM, but I'm new to X too!
In gtk, the text widget provides clipboard support.  When you have made the 
selection you need to call gtk_editable_copy_clipboard to actauly copy it to 
the clipboard.


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