2 Questions about GtkWindows

(1) How do I know if a particular GtkWindow is currently "in focus by
the window manager"? Yes, I can capture the focus-in-event and
focus-out-event. I could store the focused state inside a variable from
those callbacks. I was wondering if given a GtkWindow, if there was a
function or property that would tell me if it is in focus by the window

(2) How do I know if the mouse is currently inside a particular
GtkWindow. I could capture the enter-notify-event and
leave-notify-event. However, these work weirdly.  For example, suppose I
have a GtkWindow that contains a Gtk:abel and a GtkButton. When the
mouse enters anywhere in the GtkWindow, and enter-event fires. However,
if I move from the GtkLabel into the GtkButton, a leave-event fires,
even though the mouse is still inside the entire GtkWindow. I'm
suspecting this is because it has moved over a new GdkWindow (which the
button uses). So, is there a signal I can use that only fires when the
mouse enter/leaves the entire GtkWindow?


|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
| loban earthling net, loban caltech edu,  http://loban.caltech.edu |

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