Re: GtkTreeView rows-reorderd signal

On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 05:14:09PM -0400, SkyRat23 aol com wrote:
Hello.  I have searched the mailing lists and found no answer to this
question.  I would like to "catch" when a drag and drop has been done
on a TreeView, hence running an function when the TreeView's rows have
been reordered.  However, the signal (rows-reordered) is never
emmited.  Someone correct me if I am wrong, but if rows in the
TreeView are reordered from a drang and drop event the
"rows-reordered" signal should be emmitted, correct?  I am connecting
the 'rows-reordered' signal to my treeview but it is never invoked.
Anyone have ideas,  Experienced this before?  Or how about another
signal that I could connect to that would also be emmitted from a drag
and drop on a TreeView. 
Have a look at

Here's the relevant section:

    > On a side note, the rows-reordered does not appear to be emitted on
    > the model when the view is reordered.

    When a row is moved using a drag, the row will be deleted and
    re-inserted internally, so you won't get a rows-reordered signal but a
    row-deleted/row-inserted pair. The rows-reordered signal is used when

René Seindal (rene seindal dk)        

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