Re: Static compilation - pango problems :-/

(process:12305): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:1871: initialization

assertion failed, use g_type_init()prior to this function

(process:12305): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:1871: initialization

assertion failed, use g_type_init()prior to this function

** (process:12305): CRITICAL **: file pangoxft-font.c: line 772 
(pango_xft_font_get_unknown_glyph): assertion `PANGO_XFT_IS_FONT (font)'

I have the same problem with GOBJECT, although no error with pango.

After those errors (few screens of them) application segfaults :-/

I've located line which causes those problems. It's :
When I comment it, application starts, but all fonts are messed. When I
on menu (i.e.) - it segfaults :(
So it seems that's font display problem (in pangoxft). 

Anybody got some ideas ?
Exactly the same that happens with my application (in my case the error is in 
gtk_signal_connect), but when I comment the line that causes the problem, I have 
the same errors, and the function that fails is gtk_widget_show. So, I can not 
execute my application.

I've compiled all libraries (gtk+,pango,atk,glib.... etc) statically.
And I must add, that when I compile this application non-statically - 
everything works just fine.
Right! I have the same problem. It seems that gtk does not works very well with 
static compilation ...

Patricia Balbastre Betoret 
Departamento de Informática de Sistemas y Computadores (DISCA) 

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