Re: GtkOptionMenu

On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 10:40:49AM -0800, Harring Figueiredo wrote:
  I guess this is more of a question/advice-request to Havoc.

  I agree that your application should rely as little as possible on the GUI
toolkit you use. In my case; however, wrote an pp that has a linked list of
struct and MOST of the fields of this struct needs to be shown on a

  Now are find myself writting spaggetti code just to keep the to lists (My own
GList and the GtkListStore synchronized.)

It's probably not that bad to use a GtkListStore as a program data
structure, since it's independent of specific widgets.

The other thing you could do is write a custom GtkTreeModel that
accesses your program's data structure directly.
  As if I do have enought time on my hands, I am trying to modify the program
to use only one list (GtkListStore). and modify my stuct to something like.

  struct gui_fields{
   strcut no_gui_fields* extra_info;
I would usually do it the other way around, make your no_gui_fields
the main data then hang the GUI off of that.

But it is certainly useful to put structs like this in GtkListStore, 
e.g. I think the stock browser in gtk-demo works that way.


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