Re: Intercepting X events cleanly?

On Ter, 2003-03-11 at 20:55, Ramkumar Chinchani wrote:
I am just trying to intercept X events cleanly and show a menu popup when
a button click happens on the root window.

If I use gdk_window_add_filter(), then I intercept all events before they
get delivered to GDK. If I do a *gtk_menu_popup* at this point, Xlib

Is there a cleaner way of doing things?
  Yes:  don't do it! :)
  Really, only window managers are allowed to do such things.  In any
case, my knowledge ceases at this point.  Maybe Havoc can tell you more;
I know nothing about WM programming.

Gustavo João Alves Marques Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>

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