GtkCombo Examples

Anyone know where I can see some examples for GtkCombo ?
The ones specified under the GTK2 Reference are not enough.

Specifically I want to :

        - Remove/Add items dynamically To the List
        - Re-act to an item selected from the pop-up list.
          I want to use something other than "changed" on the entry widget
          as the entry widget is editable.
        - Ensure that the popup list remains poped up, without
          holding the mouse down, so that Arrows can be used for selection.

Any pointers would be great...

I did look at the gtk+ source for gtkcombo and I noticed that the list widget
is actually a GtkList widget, but according to the reference this widget
has been deprecated, is there a plan to change the GtkCombo to use something
else other than a GtkList ?, if so what would it most likely be ?



        __.--'\     \.__./     /'--.__
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  .'       Matt Keenan (mattman)          '.
 /       Sun Microsystems Ireland           \
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|   E-Mail : Matt Keenan Sun Com             |
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