Re: gtkentry -- avoiding unwanted focus

On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Olexiy Avramchenko wrote:

My app displays some named icons in a certain window.  I'd like for
the user to be able to rename the icons, so the names are implemented
with gtkentries.  However, I want the name entries to become focused
for editing only if the user clicks on them.  At present, one or other
of the entry widgets always shows a blinking cursor when the parent
window is focused (even if they are all configured as not editable
until clicked).  Suggestions on how to turn this off?

Use gtk_widget_grab_focus() on another widget - if you have smth like
buttons, just focus default button.
Thanks -- that makes good sense.  In this case I couldn't find another
handy widget to focus, but building on your suggestion I used
GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS to make the background window focusable, gave it
focus, and the cursor is gone.

Allin Cottrell.

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