Problem refreshing a gtk_gl_area


The software I'm developing displays multiple documents, each in its own
window. There is a MesaGL view in each window, built with libgtkgl.

The refresh of the GL area works erratically in KDE 3.0, when more than
more document windows are open. The GL area becomes black when I
activate a document window by clicking on it. But strangely, it works
fine when I click on the window's name in the taskbar. I also offer a "refresh" button, which does the job.
I get no more success under IceWM, but all works fine under Gnome, go 
Actually the refresh process is launched by a gtk_widget_queue_draw(GL 
area), which triggers an expose event, which triggers a draw callback.
Does anybody has any idea about this?

Could it be related to the window manager? Can I execute some
instructions to get rid of this?

I use Gtk 1.2.x. under Mandrake 9.0.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Patrice St-Gelais

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