Re: gtk_window_set_screen and gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask

On 08/24/04 19:34, Gary Kramlich wrote:
I'm working on an application where I'm giving the user the choice what
screen to show a window on in the case where they have a multihead
setup.  gtk_window_set_screen is working fine for regular windows.  But
once the window has a shape mask, and I switch it's screen, the shape is
destoryed.  Thats just a minor annoyance, as I can reset the shape, but
the problem is when I try to set the shape on the new screen.  The
bitmap for the shape is created from a
gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask, and the pixbuf is created from a
file.  So unless I'm missing something in the gdkpixbuf code, this
should all be client side.  I went as far as destorying the window,
recreating it and setting the screen to the target screen, but once I
try to set the shape mask, I get an X error.  If anyone has any
thoughts, suggestions, or wants to see the code, just let me know.
different X screens use different colormaps, so you'll need to use
gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask_for_colormap().  you can use
gdk_screen_get_system_colormap() to get the GdkColormap needed for that call.


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