Re: GTK not good for newbies?

yes. I think so. GTK very difficult to me, too
GTK's docs a few than Qt's docs. our GTK hackers must write more detailed docs for newbie. :)

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 08:44:10 +0530
"Manish Chakravarty" <manishchakravarty yahoo co in> wrote:

hi all,
i am just beginning to understand GTK programming,
but the documentation is not very helpful
Just look at Qt's docs... they have a lovely tutorial and GTK's docs are
nowhere near it.
I wanted to prgram in C++ as i am more comfortable with it.
But the gtkmm docs are very sparse and moreover it does not work directly
with glade
Also, whenever i ask a question about programming with glade on any of the
LUG's or mailng list, usually the response is "Dont use Glade-generated
code, just use the XML file and write your own"
So does there exist a decent tutorial for gtk or gtkmm?
And i do think the authors of gtk and gtkmm should pay more attention to
documentation now.. for the experienced hackers its ok, but for novices and
first timers, you are asking them to shift to Qt

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