Re: C++ Versus C (Was Re: Java Versus gtk)

when I program something in Ada it works pretty much the first time.
well of course - that was the mandate from the ministry of defence when ada was selected as
the language of choice - you had to be able to write, oh say, a million lines of code and have
it pretty much work first time.

just last week, i tried to do write the same million lines in C then C++ and got lots of
errors.  ;-)

--- mrada <mrada catalina-inter net> wrote:
I am frankly amazed at all of this discussion about safety and robustness.  I still think
Ada 95 is still a better language for this than C or C++.  It may be more terse and verbose
than the other two, however, when I program something in Ada it works pretty much the first
time.  C code forget about it.  Too many cycles of debugging to get it right.  C++ is more
like a screwy cross between keeping C and mangling it with OOP.  Just hate the syntax.  Just
my $0.02, sooooo please don't flame war me! :-)

I actually do appreciate all of the effort the "C" coders do to provide technology to those
of us non-conformers!  I just get tired of the bugginess that seems to be inherent in C/C++
software.  Lets not mention Java....


Clearly that code is not as robust nor safe (or probably even correct)
but I just wanted to show that C can be almost a flexible as C++.  
I'm sorry,
     I know this thread is getting pretty carried away and all,
I'm just surprised that you use the word "almost", in what way
can C++ be more flexable ?

Best Regards,

     Maybe I should read some paper on "why was C++ invented", (anyone
have a pointer to that ?) all I've got so far is "to have a C flavor
of OOP *language*", and we already know that we can achive OOP using
libraries and alot of boilerplate code.  When we found out how usefull
<string.h> was; we didn't invent a new compiler.

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