Re: window iconification


I had a look at it. It seems it doesnt handle the "restore" event. Ie,  when it
is "un-minimized". Does anybody know how to catch this? Also is there anyway to
retrieve wheather a window state is inconfied?

ie some function like 
gboolean gtk_widget_is_iconfiied(GtkWindow *)
would be useful.

Thanks in Advance

Quoting Narayana Pattipati <narayana pattipati wipro com>:


You can catch "window_state_event" and know the window states
(iconified, maximised etc.)

Have a look at gtk+/tests/testgtk.c on how to use it.


z2274394 student unsw edu au wrote:
Dear Noble Gtk Developers.

1) How do I attach a callback when user minimizes a top level window?
2) How do I attach a callback when user restores a top level window?

Thank you for you contribution
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