Re: Re: Help with flickering widgets when showing and hiding!!

W liście z czw, 22-07-2004, godz. 16:43, crypto_stonelock sympatico ca

Alright i'll restate my problem without talking about the GtkList.

I'm having problems with flickering when using
gtk_widget_show/gtk_widget_hide. Is there any way to avoid flickering
by maybe having the whole screen redrawn at once or something similar?
I'm not exactly sure what flickering you see, but in general to avoid it
it's recommended to postpone using gtk_widget_show() until the very last
moment, and then use gtk_widget_show_all() on the toplevel widget you're
intending to show. This takes care of proper order of showing, so that
flicker is avoided. Also, if you use GTK+ 2, screen is indeed drawn
whole at once, using double-buffering. This is not the case with GTK+
1.2, however. See also my remark about deprecated widgets and double
buffering higher in thread.


PS. Yes, GtkList is grave offence around here ;). Seriously though,
using it is going to hurt noone else but yourself, since getting any
reliable support for it is plain impossible. And if you don't know yet
what CVS is, I recommend looking into more modern source control
solutions when you have more time, such as GNU Arch. They adress most of
well-known, much hated and numerous limitations of CVS.

"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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