Re: Debugging memory

Quoted by a group of power elephants
For `Daniel Campos <danielcampos netcourrier com>' 
On Saturday, 05 June 2004 (02:49):

  Is there any parameter I can pass to an application or may be
 compilation options for GTK/GDK/GLIB, so I can see a report (in stdout,
 for example) of  the memory leaks in a program? I'm writting some
 complex classes and I would like to know If I really free all correctly.
        You can use either valgrind (if you're developing in Linux/x86), or memprof
(this one is easier to use, but valgrind provides more options).


 Leandro A. F. Pereira        (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>

 "UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because
  that would also stop you from doing clever things." - Doug Gwyn 

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