Win32: Choosing bg-color for button widget


well i want to make a pick-a-color-button with a button and a ColorSelectionDialog Widget. The picked color should be the new backgroud color of the button. Well the code itself works, but I still get an error. These are parts of my code:
|GtkColorSelection *temp_color;|

// The callback for the color-button
|void color_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) {
 GtkWidget *col_sel;

 col_sel = gtk_color_selection_dialog_new  ("Choose color");

g_signal_connect_swapped (GTK_OBJECT (GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG (col_sel)->cancel_button),
                           G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy),
                           (gpointer) col_sel);
g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG (col_sel)->ok_button),
                   G_CALLBACK (apply_color), button);
g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG (col_sel)->colorsel),
                   G_CALLBACK (update_temp_color), NULL);
gtk_widget_show (col_sel);

// apply color to button
void apply_color (GtkWidget *button, gpointer user_data) {
 GdkColor *temp;

 gtk_color_selection_get_current_color (temp_color, temp);
 gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET(user_data), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, temp);

// temp-color is global. It is used to store the actual color
void update_temp_color (GtkColorSelection *colorselection, gpointer user_data) {
 temp_color = colorselection;

|Well, sometimes it works quite fine, but mostly I get an error in libglib-2.0.0.dll. It's just a simple Windows-DLL-Error, which contains
the following information:

AppName: favex.exe     AppVer:     ModName: libglib-2.0-0.dll
ModVer:     Offset: 00007fe0

Does anyone know whats wrong? I'm really stuck with my program due to that, so I would really appreciate your help. Thanks!
Sean P. Mertiens

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