Re: GTK Signals documentation

Tim Müller wrote:

>> I am  in desperation as I can find no place that describes what gtk
>> signals *mean*.

> Signals are emitted whenever something happens or happened to an object.

I know I know! The point is there is very little, and inadequate, documentation for the semantics of signals, individually.



As I was hunting these down, bouncing at random through the documentation I stumbled on one documented signal.

> The most commonly used signals are usually well documented. Check out

That is the exception. By and large there is no documentation for the semantics of the important (and unimportant) signals.

I assume that one is something to do with the widget getting drawn into the display memory (or drawn on the screen). Perhaps it isn't, but how would I know?
> You'll usually find the important signals mentioned in the Gtk 
tutorial (, the various other Gtk-related 
tutorials, or the API docs.

I tried working from that. Problem is I could not find a tutorial that did what I want to do (which is irrelevant. If I start to discuss my particular problems then that will distract from the real problem).
Enough complaining already!  Clearly the documentation I need does not 
exist.  The solution is to write it.  I moan, grizzle, and complain, I 
need to do something about it.
Where is the correct place to submit and discus patches for the 
I am unqualified to the extent that I am just starting out with GTK.  I 
am qualified to the extent that I am an experienced programmer that 
needs the documentation.  I want to do something about this, where is 
the correct place?

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