Setting widget color


I have a small status bar application with the following widgets,

   Window --> VBOX(2) ---> Frame --> HBOX(7) --> Labels and Images
                      ---> Frame --> HBOX(4) --> Labels and Images

The idea is to have a permanent status bar (in brown) at the bottom
of the screen (not completely unlike the gnome-panel) and when a
"Show Controls" button on this bar is pressed, a second bar with
controls appears on top of this. This second bar is to be orange.

I used gtk_widget_modify_bg() to change the color of the window. Now
both of my bars are orange. I'm trying to get the bottom bar to be

I have tried setting bg, fg, text and base for both the Frame and
the HBOX with no success. How can I do this?

A second minor problem is that there is a couple of pixels of white
between the two VBOX elements. Padding is set to zero for all widgets.
Is there a way to have the two vbox elements contigious. I would like
brown to change to orange, with no white pixels in between.


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