Re: Easy gtk2 binding

Hi Andreas,

You might want to ry out python, its a very nice language and theres
both GTK and GNOME bindings for it.



in the past I programmed gtk2 only with the C and C++ bindings. Now I
like to create a GUI for Linux that makes heavy use of shell commands,
sed and awk. So I think a better solution would be to use some scripting
language, because C and C++ isn't the right solution for this. I don't
know much scripting languages. I know programming of bash, LUA and some
basic skills in several other scripting languages. So which is the "best
and easiest" to learn scripting language with good supported gtk2
bindings? Perhaps OO would be great. And  I like to use Glade for UI
design and libglade to create the GUI. Please tell me your experience.

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