Re: Looking for Example Code

Hi Tony,

you wont find a glade file for it, they very likely programmed it.
I do use a GtkTreeView (a list with icons and texts) and a notebook with hidden
tabs. Whenever a new listentry is selected I switch the tabs.


Tony Freeman wrote:
In Glade I can make a "notebook" entry that does what I would like.  But
what I'm looking for is something a bit more visually appealing but
similar to the "notebook" widget that uses icons instead of tabs. 

Remember evolution version 1.4?  I like the way the icons were in a row
down the left hand side of the window.  For instance, if you click on
the "mail" icon (rather than a tab) - all your mail stuff shows up on
the right hand side.

I've downloaded the old evolution 1.4 code.  I was hoping to find
a .glade file that had the setup I want, but I've not found it yet.

I was wondering if someone here could please point me to a tutorial or
an example .glade file that has the setup I'm looking for.  Maybe even a
description of how evolution implemented that functionality.  

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