logic behind or use of label->style->"gtk-label-wrap-width"->width, was: Re: configure-event on eventbox in composite widget

Hi Matthias, Owen, et. al.


I was a little too enthusiastic, perhaps ... now I've shot myself in the foot.
I have this hbox with a callback connected to size-allocate which (among 
other things) changes the text in a label contained in the hbox. This 
apparently generates another size-allocate event on the hbox ... a loop.
hat sounds very wrong. Whatever you are trying to achieve, connecting
to size-allocate is most likely not the right way to achieve it.
of course you're right, I might have explained what it is, I want to achieve earlier.
I'm trying to get a label auto-line-wrap in a nice way when it is resized.

btw. I solved the previous problem by filtering any size-allocate events that don't actually change the widget's width (that was just an oversight on my side). This approach works
considerably well.

- the wrap width is NOT the size of the lable (which one could naively understand from the
   API docs)
- re-setting the text in a lable doesn't necessarily recalculate the wrap_width
... in the sources I found a style property "gtk-label-wrap-width", but 
I don't quite understand

- Setting "gtk-label-wrap-width"->width = widget-width * 1000 seems to make the text wrap
   at roughly the widget's size ?!? *blink*
- Also, let's say I initially have 3 lines where I have manually inserted one newline character. If I make the label narrower, the line wrap will add lines. If I make the the widget wider, the second line will get longer (the first is manually terminated), until some sort of maximum is reached. Then the second line will get shorter again, and the number of lines will never drop down to 2, no matter how wide I make the widget. I can see that the label does some
   guessing of desired width's to beautify the output,
Do I read the following correctly, that the maximum wrap_width is 1/ 2 the screen width? (this is 2.4 http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/gtk%2B/gtk/gtklabel.c?rev=1.150&view=markup)
1482               width = MIN (width,
1483 PANGO_SCALE * (gdk_screen_get_width (screen) + 1) / 2);
- If I do a gtk_widget_set_size_request on the label, I can't get the 
   style property anymore?!?



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