drawing on drawables


Maybe my question has already been answered. But up to now I haven't found any information concerning the 

While programming gtk-applications which contain drawable-widgets e.g. pixmaps, I realized that it is 
possible to draw a rectangle on coordinates that are actually outside the allocated region. For example: If 
you create a pixmap with a height and width of 200 and you draw a rectangle on coordinates (250,250) no 
exception is raised. Even negative coordinates are possible: gdk_draw_rectangle (pixmap, gc, TRUE, -50, -50, 
100, 100); and only the rest of the rectangle is plotted. This is very comfortable and reduces the amont of 
checks for validate coordinates.

So my question is if this is a feature I can rely on. Is this not just a matter of implementation but defined 
in the specificaton of GTK?

Thanks in advance!

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