Re: GtkComboBox aesthetics

On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 09:57:21 -0500
Greg Breland <gbreland mozillanews org> wrote:

On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 14:13, John Coppens wrote:
Now, for some reason, GtkComboBox by default uses a height of 32-odd
pixels, while an entry has only 23 or so. This makes for a very ugly
combination... Strangely, a GtkComboBoxEntry does have the same
height as the normal entry, but I don't want to permit editing...

I agree with you this is very very annoying and would love to see a
reasoning why it's like that.

Hi Greg.

What bugs be most is that the ComboBoxEntry _does_ have the same size as
the normal entry. It has almost the same functionality (in fact, it has
more functionality) than the ComboBox, but doesn't have the possibility
to disable the editing, which would convert it into a (desirable)

Thanks for the input.


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