Re: A few GtkFileChooserDialog questions


Douglas Vechinski <douglas vechinski dynetics com> writes:

First, is it possible to make a GtkFileChooserDialog when in
GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE action to "activate" when the user presses
Enter or Return in the name entry box so that one does not have to move
the mouse to the Save button?
It already does that. Perhaps you are using an old version?

Second, when a file chooser dialog is first started in save action, it
is possible to have the "Browse other folders" button already expanded
when it is displayed?  I can't really tell where I am easily when all I
see is single folder name.
AFAIK this isn't possible. Since this has been requested several times
already, it should perhaps be added. But then I can understand that
the user interface designer disagree here. The dialog is nice and
simple as it is and the "Browse other folders" part should only rarely
be needed.

When a GtkFileChooserDialog is started in Load action, is it
possible to have the name entry field present so one can also type
in a name.
You can already type in a name, you don't need an entry for that. Just
do it.


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