expose event handling problem

Hello everybody,
i have a problem whith an application that handles 2 drawing areas in separate windows(in gtk 2.4). The fisrt one is used to display a video sequence and the second one to display an openGL scene (via gtkglext).
I develop this application on 3 separate machines :
1- debian linux PC (sarge)
2- Macintosh running osX 10.3.
3- another macintosh running the same OS.
The problem is : only on the last machine when a video file is opened (and displayed), the open GL area isn't refreshed anymore until the video window is closed. After some investigatons, it appears that on this machine the expose event handler for the video area is called recursively but the hnadler for the GL area doesn't. On the other two machines it is the inverse but it seems to work well as the video is all the same refreshed when needed.
Anyone 's got an idea ?

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