Block-diagram libraries?

I need to develop an application that dump a config file (an ASCII file) for a simulation framework. The user drag & drop the component (cpu, memory, comunication channel, etc) from a library into a "work-area" and link the component (like a Dia diagram).
Are there any library that semplify the drawing of the diagram (link two 
entity of the diagram with a line, move the component and the links on 
the work-area, etc etc)?
Or must I implements all the grafical routines?



| Msn:    |             -ask me-            |
| Skype:  |    sarbyn (vedi  |
       We don't need no education
     We don't need no thought control
     No dark sarcarm in the classroom
      Teachers leave the kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
_______________[Pink Floyd]__________________

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