Re: Pango GTK+ on Windows

Hubert =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Soko=B3owski?= writes:
I have found a problem in my case. I was using name 'bin' for a
directory when my program and Gtk runtime was in.
Could you post the exact directory structure? Where did you have the
"lib/pango/1.4.0/modules" folder, for instance?

This is how it *should* have looked:

foo                             your installation top
       \gtk-2.0                 gtk.immodules, gdk-pixbuf.loaders
       \pango                   pango.aliases, pango.modules
   \bin                         yourapp.exe, GTK+, Pango, atk and GLib DLLs
                     \immodules im-am-et.dll etc
                     \loaders   libpixbufloader-ani.dll etc
                   \modules     pango-basic-win32.dll etc

(leaving out stuff like message catalogs)

In particular, if you have Pango and GTK+ DLLs in a folder named
"bin", they *assume* that the other stuff are located relative to that
folder as above.

If you in fact have the "etc" and "lib" folders as subfolders of
"bin", it won't work. But if the DLLs notice that they are in a folder
that isn't called "bin", then they assume the "etc" and "lib" folders
are subfolders of the place where the DLLs are.


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